How To Create A Free Collection On Provably Protect

Sell Your Wildlife Photographs Or Artworks In A NFT Collection

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1. Do Your Photos Or Artworks Qualify?

Provably Protect NFT collections are limited to wildlife only and you can list any amount of photographs or pieces of art from one to a maximum of eight for free, so choose your very best ones to list.

Artworks and photographs are subject to approval.

If you have copyright of qualifying photograph(s) or artwork(s) like this please contact us to request a collection.

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2. We Build Your Collection Page And Mint Your NFTs

Once it's been determined that your photo(s) or artwork(s) qualify for listing in a collection, we will build your collection and selling pages so that prospective buyers get a preview of your photographs or artworks and then buy them.

See an example photographic collection here...
See an example wildlife art collection here...

We also mint your photos or art on the blockchain to make them provably unique and ownable NFT's.

As the collection creator you get to choose the wildlife conservation partner that will also benefit from sales of photos or pieces of art in your collection.

You also choose the selling price for each NFT in your collection.

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3. Sell Your NFTs

Once everything is ready, the sale of your wildlife collection NFTs can take place.

For every successful sale, Provably Protect will pay your portion of the proceeds into a payment account of your choice and the rest into your chosen conservation partners payment account that they designate.

The first time any of your collection photographs or artworks are sold, 45% of the profit (after deduction of transfer fees) goes to you as the collection creator / photograph owner / artist and 40% goes to your chosen conservation partner. 15% is reserved as the Provably Protect platform fee.

The second and any subsequent times your collection NFT's are sold on the Provably Protect marketplace, you as the collection creator are eligible for a 4% royalty and 4% goes to your chosen conservation partner

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Collection Creator Frequently Asked Questions

Is There A Collection Limit?

Yes, you can list any amount of photographs or artworks from one to a maximum of eight in your collection.

Collections are limited to wildlife, so no domesticated animals allowed.

If any of your photographs or artworks are of an identifiable individual animal, those are good to add because that increases the amount buyers are willing to bid for that piece (this is optional, not a requirement).

It also helps to provide a back story for each identifiable individual if possible such as e.g. the animals life history, anecdotes and stories (again, this is also optional, not a requirement).

Are There Any Fees For Creating A Collection?

It's free to list your wildlife photographs or artworks in a collection and put them up for auction on the Provably Protect platform. There is no fee involved up front as we build your collection and selling pages at no charge and also create your NFT's for free.

When an initial sale of a photograph or piece of art in your collection is made, a 15% Provably Protect service fee is deducted from the selling price paid by the NFT buyer, before the relevant amounts owed are paid over to the collection creator and partner conservation organization.

For every subsequent sale (secondary sale) of a photograph or piece of art in your collection, a 2% service fee is charged.

So the buyer settles the fees due to Provably Protect and not the collection creator.

How Is Payment Made For Any Collection NFT's Sold?

Payment due is made into a payment account that you designate after the successful completion of your collection auction(s).

Payments are made on the 25th of every month for the goods sold on auction and settled by the buyer in the preceding month, if the balance owed reaches $US100 or more.

Payment can be made by EFT into your bank account or a transfer to your Paypal Account.

Cryptocurrency payment options are also available in the form of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) or Ripple (XRP).

Any applicable transfer fees for the payment are for the collection creators own account.

How Is The Conservation Organization Chosen?

The collection creator chooses the conservation organization that will receive donations from the sale of NFT's in their collection.

Now this choice needs to be considered carefully, because they will be benefiting to the tune of 40% of the profits the first time your collection photographs or artworks are sold, because ultimately, Provably Protect is all about conservation.

So they will be grateful to you for choosing them. But also, they will be responsible for marketing your collection to their followers, because they will be benefiting from it, so it's in their best interest to do so.

How Much Is The NFT Starting Price?

The starting price for each of the collection creators NFT's on the first auction is set by the collection creator themselves in consultation with Provably Protect. This is to determine a price that will have the highest probability of resulting in a sale.

Every subsequent time the collection creators photographs or artworks are sold on the Provably Protect platform, a reasonable starting price will be set by the new owner of the NFT.

How Much Is Contributed To Wildlife Conservation?

40% of the profit from the first purchase of each NFT in a collection is contributed to the collection creators chosen partner wildlife conservation organization. And 4% is contributed for every subsequent sale of the NFT after that, so it's effectively an 4% royalty on sales after the first one.

Is There An Image File Size Limit?

There are no limitations on image file sizes but buyers might want to print out the photograph or artwork to display it and then smaller files will limit the size they can print. So bigger file sizes are first prize but smaller ones are not disqualified.

The total size limit for each collection is 500 MB.

How To Submit Your Photographs Or Artworks?

Provably Protect creates a Dropbox or Google Drive folder specifically for each approved collection creator so that the original, hi-res photograph or art images can be submitted, which can then be downloaded by the buyer once they settle their final bid amount.

Smaller preview images are created from the originals to build the collection and auction pages.

How Does The Collection Auction Marketing Work?

Provably Protect will market the collection auction across all its relevant online channels.

The collection creator should also market the collection auction to their followers, as the relationship with them should help with bids.

The conservation partner that the collection creator chooses will also market the auction to their followers because they also stand to benefit and it's in their best interest to do so.

Aren't NFT's Bad For The Environment?

Provably Protect makes use of the Polygon blockchain to create or mint NFT's which works on a proof of stake basis and so has a small energy use footprint.

Find out more about nft environmental impacts here...

Can I List My Photos That Already Appear On The Web?

If you own a photo or artwork that you would like to list on the Provably Protect platform as a NFT which has already been published or used elsewhere on the web, that isn't a problem at all. In fact, in some instances, that actually might increase the value of the photograph because it's 'famous', so to speak.

For example, a NFT photograph of a gorilla called Harambe sold by it's owner on the 3rd of June 2021 for $86 510.43. This photo has been featured online since 2016 in many publications, websites and newspapers, so that's one of the the reasons that it went for such a high price.

But there is no need for those publications to now remove that picture of Harambe. What you are selling with the NFT is the ownership certificate that allows the rightful NFT owner (the new buyer) to sell the photo again, and not the copyright.

So as long as you own the copyright of the original photo you can list a photo that has been published elsewhere on the web in the past.

If you are already selling the photo online elsewhere such as e.g. a stock photo website than it wouldn't be allowed to sell it as an NFT too.

Can I List My Artworks That I'm Selling Elsewhere?

Yes, If you own an artwork that you would like to list on the Provably Protect platform as a NFT and the physical art piece is being sold elsewhere, you can.

You retain the copyright of the artwork when you sell it as a NFT. What you are selling is the ownership certificate that allows the rightful NFT owner (the new buyer) to sell the NFT again on the Provably Protect platform, and not the copyright.

It works on a similar basis to prints. You can sell prints of your artwork even if you are physically selling them at a gallery.

So as long as you own the copyright of the artwork you can sell the NFT.

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Feel free to ask by getting in touch with us...

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Conservation Organization Frequently Asked Questions

How Can A Conservation Organization Benefit From Provably Protect?

As a conservation organization you stand to benefit from Provably Protect in several ways:

  • You can create your own collection of NFT photographs or artworks, in which case you will get 85% of the proceeds from the sale of each NFT in your collection on the first auction, and 4% for every subsequent sale. The Provably Protect platform fee is 15%. The buyer of the photograph or artwork gets 90% when they sell the NFT they bought and own.

    Both you and Provably Protect market the collection auctions to get the bids as high as possible.

    Here's how it works to become a collection creator.

  • You can make your organization available to partner with any photographer or artist who creates a NFT collection on the Provably Protect platform (the collection creator chooses who they partner with), in which case you will get 40% of the proceeds whenever any NFT gets sold in that specific collection on the intital sale. On any subsequent sales you get 4%.

    The collection creator gets 45% on the first auction and then also 4% after that.

    The collection creator, Provably Protect and you market the collection auctions to get the bids as high as possible.

  • You can do both of the above, or either one.

  • How Is The Conservation Organization Chosen?

    The conservation organization that will receive contributions from the sale of photographs or artworks in a collection other than their own is chosen by the company or individual that created the wildlife collection themselves.

    How Is Payment Made For Any Collection NFT's Sold?

    Payment due is made into a payment account that the conservation organization designates, after the successful completion of the collection auction(s).

    Payments are made on the 25th of every month for the goods sold on auction and settled by the buyer in the preceding month, if the balance owed reaches $US100 or more.

    Payment can be made by EFT into your bank account or a transfer to your Paypal Account.

    Cryptocurrency payment options are also available in the form of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) or Ripple (XRP).

    Any applicable transfer fees for the payment are for the conservation organizations own account.

    How Does The Collection Marketing Work?

    Provably Protect will market the collection across all its relevant online channels.

    The collection creator will also market their collection to their client base, as the relationship with their clients may help with bids.

    The conservation organization should also market the collection they are partnered with (and/or their own) to their followers, because they also stand to benefit from any sales that may occur.

    Have More Questions?

    Feel free to ask by getting in touch with us...